Tear Gas vs Pepper Spray: What’s the Difference?
Riot Control Agents or Chemical Defense Sprays are non-lethal chemical compounds that temporarily make people unable to function by causing irritation to the eyes, mouth, throat, lungs, and skin.
Pepper spray and tear gas are both non-lethal irritants ,but there are a few key differences between the two substances.
What is Tear Gas?
The most common chemical compounds found in tear gas are CS and CN, [0-Chlorobenzylidenemalononitrile (CS) and 2-Chlorobenzalmalononitrile (CN)]. It is important to note that CS and CN are not gasses, but are synthetic organic halogen compounds that have a powder-like consistency at room temperature.— they’re mixed with liquids or gases so they can be dispersed in the air. Tear gas in a man made compound and can be toxic although CS has been found to be less toxic than CN.
The most common delivery method of tear gas is CS or CN “grenades” which explode and release the compound into the air. Tear gas can also be packaged in handheld pressurized canisters that release the gas in a stream or mist.
Physical effects: Extreme burning of the nose, eyes, and throat, involuntary closing of the eyes, coughing, rise in blood pressure, mucus secretion, nausea, and vomiting.
What is Pepper spray?
The active ingredient in pepper spray is Oleoresin Capsicum (OC). OC is a natural non toxic chemical, it is created from the active compound in hot peppers, capsaicin.
The most common delivery method for pepper spray are hand held handheld pressurized canisters that release the the OC compound in a stream or mist.
Physical Effects: Uncontrollable watering of the eyes, extreme burning of the eyes and nose, temporary blindness, nasal and sinus discharge, burning of the skin, increase in blood pressure.
Pepper spray (OC) and tear gas (CS) are both great non-lethal self defense /riot control options. Depending on the situation one might be better than the other. For example, CS can have stronger effects than OC, while OC works better on animals. So evaluate what kind of threat and environment you will likely encounter and prepare accordingly. Thanks for reading.
Need CS or OC Spray..? Click the links below.