What is a “Use-Of-Force” Continuum…?
A Use-of-Force Continuum is used in Law Enforcement, Military, and civilian defense as policies that guide their use of force. The use-of-force continuum describe an escalating series of actions an individual may take to resolve a situation.
An example of a use-of-force continuum follows:
1. Physical Presence
2. Verbalization
3. Empty-Hand Control
4. Less-Lethal Methods
5. Lethal Force
1. Physical Presence
No force is used. The mere presence of personnel can work to deter crime or diffuse a situation.
Show alertness, be in a defensive posture and take command presence.
2. Verbalization
Force is not physical. Individuals issue calm, nonthreatening commands, such as “Back up, don’t get close to me.”
It may be necessary to increase volume and shorten commands in an attempt to gain compliance. Short commands might include “Stop,” or “Don’t move.”
3. Empty-Hand Control
Individual uses bodily force to gain control of a situation.
Soft Technique - Grabs, holds and joint locks to restrain or submit an individual.
Hard Technique -Punches and kicks to restrain or submit an individual.
4. Less-Lethal Methods
Individuals use less-lethal technologies to gain control of a situation.
Blunt Impact — Individual s may use a baton or projectile to immobilize a combative person.
Chemical — Individual s may use chemical sprays or projectiles embedded with chemicals to restrain an individual (e.g., pepper spray).
Conducted Energy Devices (CEDs) — Individual s may use CEDs to immobilize an individual. CEDs discharge a high-voltage, low-amperage jolt of electricity at a distance.
5. Lethal Force
Individuals use lethal weapons to gain control of a situation. Should only be used if a person poses a serious threat of bodily harm or death to the person or another individual.
Personnel use deadly weapons such as firearms to stop an individual’s actions.
Personal Defense Weapons…. Tasers, Batons, OC and CS Spray — Click the links Below.